Broadcast: Strauss & Rochberg

  • Broadcast, Free
  • Jul 3, 2024 @ 6:00 P.M.

Summer Broadcast Series

This summer, enjoy the magic of the Curtis Recital Series from home with our summer broadcast series. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to enjoy never-before-broadcast performances every Wednesday at 6 p.m.


STRAUSS Introduction from Theme and Variations, Op. 13

Kristin Andlauer, horn
Cristian Makhuli, piano


Yizilin Liang, viola
Elena Jivaeva, piano

About the Performers

Kristin Andlauer, from Roxbury, N.J., a student of Jeffrey Lang and Jennifer Montone, is the Thomas and Patricia Vernon Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023. 

Izaiah Cheeran, from Apple Valley, Minn., a student of Katherine Needleman and Philippe Tondre, is a Curtis Institute of Music Fellow and entered Curtis in 2022.   

Julin Cheung, from Seattle, a student of Jeffrey Khaner, is the Gerry and Marguerite Lenfest Fellow and entered Curtis in 2020.   

Soyoung Cho, from Seoul, a student of Edward Gazouleas and Misha Amory, is the Mimi Lane and Robert Durham Fellow and first entered Curtis in 2017.   

Romain-Olivier Gray, from Québec City and Woodbridge, Va., a student of Peter Wiley and Gary Hoffman, is the Maurice Gendron Memorial Fellow and entered Curtis in 2022.   

Asha Kline, from Ellicott City, Md., a student of Daniel Matsukawa, is the David H. Springman Memorial Fellow and entered Curtis in 2020.   

Hairui Lei, from Shanghai, a student of Shmuel Ashkenasi and Pamela Frank, is the Jean J. Sterne Fellow and entered Curtis in 2022.   

Yizilin Liang, from Zhejiang, China, a student of Roberto Díaz and Edward Gazouleas, is the Bok Foundation Fellow and entered Curtis in 2020.   

Maya Lindsey, from Philadelphia, a student of Elizabeth Hainen, is the Marilyn Costello Memorial Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023.   

Cristian Makhuli, from Charlotte, N.C., a student of Robert McDonald, is the William A. Horn, M.D. Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023.   

Elena Jivaeva, staff pianist